Working Group 3: Estimation of true disease prevalence with BLCMs
Working Groups:
WG3 will focus on BLCM methods for estimating the true prevalence of disease by accounting for the imperfect Se and Sp of the diagnostic process.
These methods will capture the hierarchical structure of the data (i.e. they will estimate the prevalence at each level of data organisation).
In line with the work carried out in WG2 a review of existing BLCMs methods for true prevalence estimation will be followed by the identification of outstanding needs and the necessary modification to existing methods that is required to address these needs.
Training and dissemination activities of the updated BLCMs for true prevalence estimation will be carried out by WG3 in connection with WG5.
- T3.1: Perform systematic review and evaluation of existing BLCMs for the estimation of the true disease prevalence. There will also be, wherever required, specific overview within distinct life-science domains.
- T3.2: Write up of technical reports/white papers about suitable methods for sound application of BLCMs for Se/Sp estimates in life sciences.
- T3.3: Develop training material for domain-expert scientists as well as methodologists in BMLCs.
WG3 Members
Noemi Kiss
WG3 Active Co-leader & MC Substitute
Austria Health Insurance Institute
Andrzej Jarynowski
WG3 Co-leader & MC Member
Interdisciplinary Research Institute
Adina Iftimi
WG Member
Department of Statistics and O.R. Universitat de València
Boris Bikbov
MC Substitute
Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri (IRCCS)
Christiana Demetriou
MC Member
University of Nicosia Medical School
Julio Alvarez
WG2 Co-leader & MC Member
VISAVET Health Surveillance Center
László Ózsvári
MC Member
University of Veterinary Medicine, Budapest
Lejla Dzananovic
MC Member
Faculty of Medicine University of Sarajevo
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Luzia Gonçalves
MC Member
Universidade Nova de Lisboa - Instituto de Higiene e Medicina Tropical
Marcel Leppée
STSM Coordinator & MC Member
Institute for Healthy Ageing
Matthias Greiner
MC Substitute
German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR)
Milton Severo Barros da Silva
MC Member
Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto
Müller-Graf Christine
WG Member
Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung (BfR)
Saraya Tavornpanich
WG5 Co-leader & MC Member
Norwegian Veterinary Institute
Sonja Hartnack
WG2 Active Co-leader & MC Substitute
Vetsuisse faculty
Søren Saxmose Nielsen
MC Member
University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
Vesna Velikj Stefanovska
MC Member
Medical Faculty, University "St Kiril and Metodij"