The Action members from Norway are organizing a two-day training school, hosted by the Norwegian Veterinary Institute (NVI), Ås, Norway [14 – 15 September 2021].
Saraya Tavornpanich, Jörn Klein, Ingrid Toftaker, Katharine Dean, Haakon Bakka are organizing a two-day training school.
The training school is going to be delivered with physical presence and all eligible physically attending participants will be reimbursed according to COST rules.
The Action’s MC has decided that Action members (MC members/substitutes, WG members) have a priority to join/register over non-Action-members.
Registration details
Where to Register:
Deadline for registration: Sunday 4 July 2021
SOS: The first eligible 20 participants will receive an official invitation from e-COST
You can find more details on the training school in the attached agenda.
Please do not hesitate to contact Eleftherios Meletis ( or Saraya Tavornpanich ( for any further clarifications.