HARMONY – Grant Period IV – Events
As of October 1, 2022 Grant Period IV of the HARMONY COST Action has been launched. During November 2022 HARMONY organized two training schools in Cork, Ireland and Valencia, Spain on “Bayesian Latent class models for test evaluation and true prevalence estimation”. The training material (R/JAGS scripts, exercises-solutions) of both schools has been uploaded in the Action’s webiste (Material -> Training Material).
The plans for 2023 include at least two more training schools to be organized during spring/summer and a consortium meeting that will be on 7-9 June in Nantes, France.
The topics of the training schools are presented below. All events will be hydrid, providing the opportunity to participants to join and interact online.
— Consortium Meeting: 7-9 June 2023 – Nantes, France
The next consortium meeting will be in Nantes, France on 7 – 9 June 2023. The event will involve working group meetings, workshops and the core group, management committee meetings.
More information will follow early March.
— Training school: Risk of bias in prevalence studies
The training school will present a tool to account for risk of bias in prevalence studies and is organized as part of the Action’s working group 3 that focuses on prevalence estimation.
More information will follow early March.
Date: early May 2023
Place: Athens, Greece
— Training school: Advanced school – “Going beyond Bayesian latent class models”
This training school is limited to participants who have attended at least one of the Action’s basic/introductory training schools on Bayesian modelling and with a strong interest advancing on Bayesian methods.
Given that there is a large variety of advanced topics we can cover, the school’s agenda will be formatted depending on the participants’ interest. We suggest a list of topics that are of relevant importance.
More information will follow early March.
Suggested topics
- Model selection and validation methods
- Extending JAGS using C++ (this would require previous experience of C++)
- Hidden Markov Models
- Sample size estimation
- Running basic models in STAN
Please visit the Google Form choose and/or insert the topic(s) you are more interested in.
Date: spring/summer 2023
Place: to-be-announced