Going beyond test evaluation and true prevalence estimation
The HARMONY COST Action 18208 is organizing a 3-day training school in Madrid, Spain, 12-14 July 2023.
This 3-day event is a training school, part of the HARMONY COST Action 18208, training activities with didactic teaching and hands-on practical sessions and discussion, focusing on Bayesian statistics. The event goes beyond Bayesian methods for diagnostic test evaluation and true prevalence estimation and focuses on important aspects of Bayesian statistics, for example model selection, posterior predictive checking. This training school targets participants that have a basic understanding of Bayes theorem and with a strong interest advancing on Bayesian methods.
English is the working language of this training. Participants will be guided to use the statistical language R and JAGS so it’s highly recommended to bring their laptops. Pre-course preparation will also be provided to participants who want to follow the hands-on training sessions. Primary learning objectives of the school are that participants (i) become familiar with methods for planning the sample size of prospective diagnostic test evaluation studies (ii) understand, apply and interpret methods of evaluating the fit of Latent Class models (LCMs) and (iii) compare different approaches to specifying LCMs.
The first two days focus on important aspects of Bayesian methodology and participants will be guided to complete a set of exercises using R and JAGS. We have defined key discussion topics that will be presented and discussed in the last day (14 July). On this day participants will be able to join the discussion online and contribute.
Registration details
Where to Register: https://forms.gle/8UJaFwGUZGe8i7CeA
Deadline for registration: Sunday 16 April 2023
The training school is organized under funding from COST Association and financial support is provided according to COST rules.
Twenty (20) participants will receive an official invitation from e-COST.
You can find more details on the training school in the attached agenda.
For further details of the program and information about financial support please contact Eleftherios Meletis (emeletis@outlook.com).